Kid Lit Author and Advocate

Category Archives: dust fairy tales

April showers bring…free books! My newest picture book, Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie is free on Kindle until April 12.

It’s the story of a dusty little fairy struggling to fit in. She doesn’t have the “perfect” hair, she’s too loud, and her clothes are a mess. Just when she thinks all is lost, Aggie discovers a way to truly shine. Oh, did I mention she plays the bagpipes?!

This adorable book makes a unique, sugar-free, Easter gift. Hop over to Amazon, and get a copy for each of your devices.
If you enjoy the story, please take a moment to leave a short review or rating on Amazon. Thank you!

Here’s a short preview trailer:

I am celebrating the 2nd Christmas season of Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie with an awesome giveaway. From now until December 25, I am offering a free audio book, free gift wrap, and free shipping with any Absolutely Aggie book purchase (USA only) via my web site


Aggie’s heart-warming story is a perfect gift for the little ones on your list. You can watch a preview trailer here: Absolutely Aggie Trailer

I wish each and every one of you a safe, blessed, and happy holiday season!






This post contains a shameless plug for my new children’s picture book…


What’s cuter than kitties in bunny costumes?


My new picture book! And it makes a much more practical Easter gift. For a chance to win a copy, head over to my Facebook page


Post your favorite bunny picture on my Facebook page, and you are entered to win a free hard cover book and the audio book CD (US residents).


Meanwhile, the real Easter bunny will be kissing winter good-bye…hello razors!



I am trying out the new Amazon Giveaway service. Andy Mulberry recently blogged about her experience, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.

Many authors have a love/hate relationship with Amazon, so I understand if you do not want to participate.

old clown

But, if you are willing to give it a go, Amazon tells me my giveaway is now live and I should, “Share this link to let the world know.” I am quite sure the world has bigger fish to fry…


but here it is:

I appreciate any feedback you have about the entry process. If you’ve used this service, please feel free to share your experiences/opinions.

You are all winners in my book! Thank you!

Girl wearing 1st place medal with arms in the air


To say the past year has been a whirlwind would be an understatement.


I self-published my first children’s picture book around this time in 2014. Aside from my first year teaching, I have never worked so hard, or felt more inept. But, in both cases, I was determined to learn what I needed to know in order to be successful.

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

I set out to learn the best way to publish my book, but I gained much more than that. I started this blog, fumbled my way around Twitter and a few other social sites, and met a lot of truly wonderful people along the way.

Success is a relative term. And, for me, it has been a dichotomy. I have enjoyed many successful moments. But, for whatever reason, I still beat myself up about my shortcomings (not sure if that is an indie author thing or just an all-around author thing).


They say success breeds success, and despite my attempts to sabotage my own, I’ve managed to publish a second children’s book. I was blessed to work with the same illustrator on what we both feel is our best work to date.

I’ll host the book launch party for my second book tomorrow. And, I’ll also celebrate the one-year anniversary of the book that started me on this wild and winding path.

To mark the event, I am offering both books for $.99 on Kindle from December 4-11.

I’d like to extend a sincere thank you to all of my online friends and colleagues. Being part of this community has definitely been one of the best aspects of becoming an author.


I wish each of you joy in the things you love to do. I’d love to hear about your experiences. Please feel free to leave a reply about your joyful moments.

Here are some of the moments that have brought me joy:




Hello. I am a children’s author, and I recently released my second picture book. Although it is my second book, I am relatively new to blogging and publishing, so it is a challenge to solicit reviews. Friends and family will be “officially” introduced to my new book at the launch party on December 4. I value their input, but I’d also like to get reviews from people outside of my support circle.

If you are interested in reviewing my book on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog, Please contact me via the comments or at dmeastman (at) msn (dot) com to receive a PDF review copy.

Here is a little more information about the book and author.

Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie (Children’s Picture Book, ages 4-8)

Fairies, music, and dust! Oh my! Aggie is a little Dust Fairy with a big problem. She wants to join the fairy band, but they do not approve of her offbeat style. Aggie is determined to impress them, but that turns out to be harder than she imagined. Just when she thinks she will never find a way to fit in, Aggie discovers it might be more fun to stand out.

About the Author:

Michelle Eastman is the author of ‘Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie’ as well as ‘The Legend of Dust Bunnies, a Fairy’s Tale’. Michelle’s books take a lighthearted approach to the compelling desire kids have to fit-in. The stories validate the need kids feel for acceptance, while imparting a gentle take-away message of the joy that can come from embracing one’s individuality. The lively, rhyming stanzas and vivid illustrations appeal to boys and girls alike.

Michelle began her career as an elementary teacher in the West Des Moines School District. At Iowa Public Television, she wrote educational content for teachers and students. Her work with children, and passion for picture books, inspired her to found the literacy initiative, Picture Book Pass it On (#PBPiO). When she’s not chasing dust bunnies, or her two cats, she likes to cuddle up with a good book and her son. Michelle lives with her husband and son, in Waukee, Iowa.


If you have any tips or advice for seeking reviews, or helpful resources, I would love to hear from you. I enjoy connecting with fellow authors. I’m on Twitter, Goodreads, and Facebook. Thank you for your time.

I am excited to be publishing my second children’s book. I created this short preview video, and I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you!

Here is the synopsis:

Fairies, music, and dust! Oh my! Aggie is a little Dust Fairy with a big problem. She wants to join the fairy band, but they do not approve of her offbeat style. Aggie is determined to impress them, but that turns out to be harder than she imagined. Just when she thinks she will never find a way to fit in, Aggie discovers it might be more fun to stand out. Lively, rhyming stanzas and vibrant illustrations come together in this magical tale. The story is sure to delight boys and girls alike, while imparting a positive message about embracing one’s individuality.

I don’t know how I got so lucky as to have Kevin Richter beside me through the production of two books, but I am so happy he’s along for the ride. Here is the cover reveal for our forthcoming children’s picture book.



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