Kid Lit Author and Advocate

Category Archives: dust fairies

April showers bring…free books! My newest picture book, Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie is free on Kindle until April 12.

It’s the story of a dusty little fairy struggling to fit in. She doesn’t have the “perfect” hair, she’s too loud, and her clothes are a mess. Just when she thinks all is lost, Aggie discovers a way to truly shine. Oh, did I mention she plays the bagpipes?!

This adorable book makes a unique, sugar-free, Easter gift. Hop over to Amazon, and get a copy for each of your devices.
If you enjoy the story, please take a moment to leave a short review or rating on Amazon. Thank you!

Here’s a short preview trailer:

How about a free audio book? I recently released my second children’s picture book, Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie. As an indie author, spreading the word about my books is challenging. I’d like to offer the audio version of the book in exchange for a like or share on Facebook.

The audio book is delightful, thanks to talented voice-over professional, Melissa Hughes. She brings Aggie’s story to life with the whimsy and magic of a classic fairy tale, complete with quirky voices and sound effects. She’s been the voice of Toys R Us, JC Penny, Dillard’s, Krispy Kreme, and more. It was a pleasure working with her on this project.


Fairies, music, and dust! Oh my! Aggie is a little Dust Fairy with a big problem. She wants to join the fairy band, but they do not approve of her offbeat style. Aggie is determined to impress them, but that turns out to be harder than she imagined. Just when she thinks she will never find a way to fit in, Aggie discovers it might be more fun to stand out. Lively, rhyming stanzas and vibrant illustrations come together in this magical tale. It is sure to delight boys and girls alike while imparting a positive message about embracing one’s individuality.

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Like or share on Facebook and you are entered to win this “absolutely” fabulous CD.

Learn more about the Dust Fairy series of books at

My publishing journey has led me down some interesting paths. Along the way, I have met gracious, creative people like Brooke. It’s a pretty darn good feeling when someone likes something you’ve written enough to promote it. The fact that she happens to be a kid, and likes my kids’ book, makes it that much better!

Check out her Studio B channel on You Tube, and don’t forget to enter the Dust Bunnies book giveaway.

Need an excuse NOT to clean your house? Here you go!

I am delighted that Brooke, at Studio B, chose to feature my book on her YouTube channel. Her infomercial spoof is pretty darn cute. I hope you enjoy it.

I can certainly brag about this guy!


Kevin Richter is the talented illustrator of my very first children’s picture book, AND he is currently working on the second book in the Dust Fairy series.

Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie should be ready for release this fall. If you are not familiar with Dust Fairies, they are the little sprites responsible for the dust, crumbs, and other debris we try so hard to remove from our homes. Yep, they come out while we sleep and hold crumb-spitting contests, sprinkle dust, and leave behind their dust bunnies. It’s true-I read it in a book!

Aggie would love nothing more than to join the fairy band and play music while the Dust Fairies frolic and play. But, she has a hard time fitting in with the more dainty, girlie, Dust Fairies. Will she ever be good enough? Can she fit in AND stand out? Oh, did I mention she plays the bagpipes? You can follow Aggie’s progress and all things Dust Fairy at


Waiting for the illustrations is both torture and bliss-I am like a little kid at Christmastime. Thankfully, Kevin is kind enough to let me peek into his creative world before the book is finished. Here are a few of his whimsical designs.

whisperband blow fairy spit

Don’t be shy, leave a reply. What are you bragging about? I’d love to hear about your work.


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