Kid Lit Author and Advocate

Tag Archives: dust bunnies

I am celebrating the arrival of baby book number two, Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie. So, I am offering a giveaway each week, leading up to the official launch party on December 4.


Both of my books feature mischievous fairies who enjoy making messes in our homes while we sleep. Legend has it that each fairy has his/her very own dust bunny. The dust bunnies accompany the fairies during the long, and sometimes lonely, nights. The legend also says, the fairies are sometimes careless and leave a dust bunny or two behind.


I advocate letting sleeping dust bunnies lie. If you agree, post a selfie or picture of the most active or interesting place YOUR dust bunnies hide.


Yes, this is a poorly-veiled attempt to plug my book.

Drain Plug

But, I am donating $1 from each book sold to Operation Christmas Child. And, I am giving away a print copy of my book (or ebook for outside the US) to the winner of the “selfie-sweepstakes”.


Head over to my Facebook page to post your entry.

Show Me the BUNNY!


Need an excuse NOT to clean your house? Here you go!

I am delighted that Brooke, at Studio B, chose to feature my book on her YouTube channel. Her infomercial spoof is pretty darn cute. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to indulge me in my shameless Easter Plug (re-posted below). We have a winner! I am happy to send a copy of my book and a dust bunny adoption kit to Clarike Bowman-Jahn. Everyone who “liked” or commented is welcome to a copy of the PDF version of my book. I’ll contact you to send that along.

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Little more than a year ago, I was working to get my first children’s picture book published. At the same time, I was making a clumsy effort at starting this blog. Social media was a completely uncharted territory for me. Millions of clicks later, I am blessed to have made many friends online. I am grateful for the connections, laughs, and knowledge we share. I wish you all the very best in your endeavors.

Okay…another shameless plug…

I am currently working on the second book in the Dust Fairy series. I am pleased to introduce “Absolutely Aggie”.



This post contains a shameless plug for my new children’s picture book…


Something DUSTY is going on!


Head over to my Facebook page for the details.

I am offering a special Easter GIVEAWAY. You can enter for the chance to win The Legend of Dust Bunnies, a Fairy’s Tale and an official Dust Bunny adoption kit. In this book, dust fairies come out at night and create all sorts of messes in our homes. The naughty nymphs hold crumb-spitting contests and fire soot from their slingshots. And they have a “fairy” good time doing it!

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To enter to WIN, simply LIKE my Facebook page, and ANSWER the following question in the FB COMMENTS.

What messes do you blame on dust fairies?

Or simply like or comment below to win a PDF version of the book.


I was both nervous and delighted when Matthew Winner, The Busy Librarian, and all-around great guy, invited me to come on his Let’s Get Busy Podcast.

I was excited, because I had never participated in a podcast. It sounded like a lot of fun.


I was nervous, because Matthew typically interviews folks such as New York Times Bestselling Author, Ame Dyckman (Wolfie the Bunny), and Nick Bruel, author of The Bad Kitty Series. I’m just an indie author, from Iowa. Someone pinch me!


We talked about my strange journey into self-publishing The Legend of Dust Bunnies, a Fairy’s Tale, investing time in building a presence on social media, and how connecting kids with books absolutely can make a difference.

fairy fan

If any of those things interest you, check out the podcast at

Meanwhile, I will be doing this…



This post contains a shameless plug for my new children’s picture book…


Something DUSTY is going on!


Head over to my Facebook page for the details.

I am offering a special Easter GIVEAWAY. You can enter for the chance to win The Legend of Dust Bunnies, a Fairy’s Tale and an official Dust Bunny adoption kit. In this book, dust fairies come out at night and create all sorts of messes in our homes. The naughty nymphs hold crumb-spitting contests and fire soot from their slingshots. And they have a “fairy” good time doing it!

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To enter to WIN, simply LIKE my Facebook page, and ANSWER the following question in the FB COMMENTS.

What messes do you blame on dust fairies?

Or simply like or comment below to win a PDF version of the book.


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It’s Picture Book Month.  And I am celebrating my favorite genre all month.  Throughout the month of November, I’ll post tips, links, and articles pertaining to my favorite genre.  I hope you’ll discover something to enhance your family’s shared reading experiences.  I’ll also be participating in fellow-bloggers’ PBM events and challenges.

I am thrilled to count myself among the ranks of children’s book writers.  I shared a little about my self-publishing misadventures in a previous post, Pinterest Devoured my Soul, and All I Got was This Lousy Bookmark  In that post, I reveal the hidden horror behind self-publishing…BOOK PROMOTION!!!!

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Yes, I must try to convince other people that my children’s picture book,The Legend of Dust Bunnies, a Fairy’s Tale, is worth their consideration.  I invite you to sign up for my  Goodreads Giveaway but I’d also like to celebrate Picture Book Month by thanking the awesome bloggers who bless me with their posts and sense of community.

For the month of NOVEMBER, anyone who leaves a comment, on this post, sharing a a favorite picture book memory or quote, will be entered to win a copy of my book.  I will also donate a copy to a local children’s charity.   Oh, I almost forgot.  Promoting a self-published kids’ book makes a person do some cray-cray stuff.

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At the top of my cray-cray list is “adoptable Dust Bunnies”.  I created the “Dust Bunny Rescue Club” to raise funds for our local animal shelter. The Animal Rescue League of Iowa is hosting my very first book signing event, on November 13. The margin on a self-published book isn’t great, and I was determined to give the ARL more than $1 per book.  So, I’ll be donating 100% of the $5 Dust Bunny adoption fee to the ARL as well. The winner of the WordPress drawing will receive a copy of my book and an adorable Dust Bunny, complete with adoption certificate and pet carrier.  The book and bunnies are featured in my super-professional  iPhone shots below.  Be sure to leave your comment about your favorite picture book.  Thanks everyone, and Happy Picture Book Month!

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Remember the story, The Boy Who Cried Wolf?  Well, my book’s release date has been pushed back so many times that I am beginning to feel like “The Girl Who Cried Book”.   Self-publishing for the first time has been an awesome and exhausting experience.  Initially, I had hoped my children’s picture book would be launched around Easter.  Unfortunately, I told people.  Spring leaked into summer, and still no book.  While I diligently posted book updates to friends and family, summer slipped into fall. Nope, no book yet. Oh, I’ve had 3 rounds of proofs, but no “real” book. Today, I’ll order what I hope and pray is the final, final proof copy. I’m so looking forward to trading my “Girl Who Cried Book” status for “The Lady Who Worked Her #@* off and Created this Awesome Kid’s Book” moniker.


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It took much longer than anticipated, but my very first book is finally published.  Self-publishing has been quite a balancing act.  As a first-time author, I had to teach myself each aspect of the process, then I had to go back and complete each step.  All the while, countless stumbling blocks cluttered my path.  Exhausted, but undaunted, I forged ahead.

It turns out that writing and building the book is just the beginning of this crazy journey.  Book promotion and the business side of things is a whole other marathon.  Most days I feel like I am climbing a waterfall, but once in a while, I find the perfect rock.  I regain my footing, take a breath, and press on.

I was looking forward to trading my “Girl Who Cried Book” status for “The Lady Who Worked Her #@* off and Created this Awesome Kid’s Book” moniker.  But, since I am gearing up for my next publication, I’ll have to stick with crying book!

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As I make my way though the self-publishing world, I continue to be amazed at the kindness of strangers.  I have been touched by individuals I call “Cyber-Samaritans”.  From gestures as small as a website “like”, to those as grand as spending their hard-earned time tutoring me…I am blessed.  As I stay the course, I hope to pay my blessings forward and back.

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