Kid Lit Author and Advocate

Tag Archives: new book

I am celebrating the arrival of baby book number two, Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie. So, I am offering a giveaway each week, leading up to the official launch party on December 4.


Both of my books feature mischievous fairies who enjoy making messes in our homes while we sleep. Legend has it that each fairy has his/her very own dust bunny. The dust bunnies accompany the fairies during the long, and sometimes lonely, nights. The legend also says, the fairies are sometimes careless and leave a dust bunny or two behind.


I advocate letting sleeping dust bunnies lie. If you agree, post a selfie or picture of the most active or interesting place YOUR dust bunnies hide.


Yes, this is a poorly-veiled attempt to plug my book.

Drain Plug

But, I am donating $1 from each book sold to Operation Christmas Child. And, I am giving away a print copy of my book (or ebook for outside the US) to the winner of the “selfie-sweepstakes”.


Head over to my Facebook page to post your entry.

Show Me the BUNNY!


My blogging has slowed to a trickle as of late. I won’t call it writer’s block, but I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired. As it tends to happen with me-just when I get stuck in a rut, someone happens along and gets the wheels turning again.


I crossed paths with kid lit author Amy Chung when I was working to finish my first children’s book. She was beginning her publishing journey as well. Fast forward 9 months, and we recently re-connected and exchanged reviews of our finished books.

That exchange prompted me to start a weekly feature, “Off the Shelf Thursday”. My goal is to highlight a new children’s picture book (or new to me) each week.

This week I am sharing Amy’s book, Wishful Wedding.

WW Cover

Here is my review:

The rhyming text and colorful illustrations work together to share a little girl’s mixed emotions about her aunt’s wedding. Although she is happy for her aunt and excited to serve as her flower girl, she wishes her two fathers could declare their love at their own ceremony. Chung does a great job of exploring the topic of same-sex marriage from a child’s point of view. It’s a great book to share with children to spark conversation about the similarities and differences between our families and the universal nature of love.

You can find Amy’s books on Amazon:

You can connect with Amy here:



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