Happy Picture Book Month! Welcome to SteigFEST!

julie rowan-zoch

SteigFESTI really admire William Steig’s picture books (just short of creating an in-home Steig-shrine!) and enjoy knowing there is much to his work for me yet to discover: with more than 30 books for children and numerous others, AND his cartoons and covers for The New Yorker, Steig was prolific! For each of the 13 days leading up to Steig’s birthday (born November 14, 1907 in Brooklyn, NY), I’ll post a picture book recommendation and tidbits collected while reading up on the picture book maker who did not patronize children, but presented their truths. In the end, you may think I’ve forgotten one of your favorites, but leaving out some of the most celebrated was deliberate: I hope to inspire you to read some you don’t know, as well as beloved ones again!


Publisher: Joanna Cotler Books/Harper Collins, 2003
Ages: 4-8yrs
Themes: William Steig, childhood, Bronx
Opening: In 1916, when I was…

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